In parallel with my Masters degree I have taken part in a MOOC. To make sure I held my integrity on the course I took it as part of my professional development and also as a verified certificate.
I have really enjoyed the mindset rubrics and it really resonated with me and a simple reminder for teachers.
Educators--from teachers to school leaders to paraprofessionals--will learn about:
Educator Mindsets: For seeing bias and equity: Equity vs. Equality; Aware vs. Avoidant; Asset vs. Deficit; Context-Centered vs. Context-Neutral.
Equity Teaching Practices: Teaching dispositions, judgments, and activities that help all students, especially underserved students, to thrive and feel valued.
Levels of Change: Addressing inequality through work on the self, the classroom, the school, and society.
Practice Spaces: Simulations for low-stakes practice of challenging decisions in teaching.
Leading Change: Working with colleagues in the lifelong journey towards more equitable schools.